Monday, October 31, 2005

A Perfeição

O que me tranqüiliza
é que tudo o que existe,
existe com uma precisão absoluta.
O que for do tamanho de uma cabeça de alfinete
não transborda nem uma fração de milímetro
além do tamanho de uma cabeça de alfinete.
Tudo o que existe é de uma grande exatidão.
Pena é que a maior parte do que existe
com essa exatidão
nos é tecnicamente invisível.
O bom é que a verdade chega a nós
como um sentido secreto das coisas.
Nós terminamos adivinhando, co nfusos,
a perfeição.

Clarice Lispector

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Saturday, October 29, 2005

nobody knows me

I´ve had so many lives
Since I was a child
And I realise
How many times I´ve died

I´m not that kind of guy
Sometimes I feel shy
I think I can fly
Closer to the sky

No one´s telling you how to live your life
But it´s a setup until you´re fed up

This world is not so kind
People trap your mind
It´s so hard to find
Someone to admire

Only when I sleep

You're only just a dreamboat
Sailing in my head
You swim my secret oceans
Of coral blue and red
Your smell is incense burning
Your touch is silken yet
It reaches through my skin
And moving from within
It clutches at my breast

But it's only when I sleep
See you in my dreams
You got me spinning round and round
Turning upside-down
But I only hear you breathe

Somewhere in my sleep
Got me spinning round and round
Turning upside-down
But its only when I sleep

And when I wake from slumber
Your shadow's disappear
Your breath is just a sea mist
Surrounding my body
I'm workin' through the daytime
But when it's time to rest
I'm lying in my bed
Listening to my breath
Falling from the edge